History Alive Series
FIRE IN BOOMTOWN: A fast-paced, fact-based, re-enactment of The Great Chicago Fire of 1871. This multi-award winning show is brought to life through original story and song. Amy is joined by- Megan Wells.
MOVIN-IN: BUILDING A TOWN: The story of the settling of a small Midwest farm town and its growth into one of Illinois’ largest communities. It is told through original toe-tapping interactive songs and story.
ALL ABOARD: The race to link East to West was on. Who would be the first to build the Transcontinental Railroad? Told through the eyes of the Irish and Chinese immigrants, newly freed slaves,the settlers, the industrialists, natives Americans and the buffalo.
BETWEEN COLUMBUS & CORONADO: This incredible musical tale highlights the early days of Spanish American history. Learn about Cabeza De Vaca and Estevanico the Black's remarkable eight year odyssey across the continent and Estevanico' pioneering trek into Arizona and New Mexico. Their journey pre-dates Coronado's exploration of the Southwest. |
Math Music – Sing Lowe, Score High Catchy lyrics and singable tunes that cover the metric system, time, temperature, area, perimeter, circumference, slope, long division, angles, strategies for solving problems, and much more. CD /Rom available to accompany program. Art All Around You: Inside /Outside Through a multi-media presentation of slides, live music, and drama, discover that our eyes are like camera lenses that can capture art any time, any where. In this presentation, Amy is joined by photographer Mike Kelly. |
The Journey of Estevanico the Black: In Search of The Seven Cities of Gold (a.k.a.) Voices of Arizona: A Story Rarely Told The Journey of Estevanico the Black -This rarely told tale of the 16th century explorer/slave- Estevanico the Black is unprecedented in American History. His eight year odyssey across the continent, living among various Native American Nations and becoming the first outsider to enter Arizona/New Mexico territory predates Coronado's exploration of the Southwestern United States. This fascinating and important historical tale is brought to life through engaging musical narrative and compelling original songs. Presented by Amy Lowe, Dave Katzman & Kevin Patrick... Age appropriate -Middle School to Adult ( Perfect for Libraries,Community Colleges Universities, Performing Arts Centers and Theaters) |
STOMP YOUR FEET TO THE JAMMIN BEAT Enviornmental awareness, neighborhood diversity and the ability of everyone to make his or her own music are just a few of the themes covered in this lively entertaining program. Selections from Parents Choice Award Winning CD's I LIKE GUM & BRIGHTER THAN FIRE FLIES encourage the audience to clap their hands, stomp their feet and sing along to the jammin beats. Songs and stories that spark the imagination in all ages. |
Holiday Programs
Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, and special occasions. |
Live Performances / Solo, Dou, Trio , Band
Amy Lowe is joined by two versatile, critically acclaimed well seasoned veterans of the music scene. Guitarist / Bassist, Dave Katzman & Percussionist / Background Vocalist-Kevin Patrick.
Dave’s early Bee-Bop jazz, Chicago blues, traditional country, and classical guitar influences weave smooth, raw textures of color around Amy’s strong, melodic voice.
Kevin’s energetic, Latin, Afro-Cuban rhythms pump up the fresh contemporary sounds of The Amy Lowe Trio. Their shows are fun for all ages.
“ Her crystalline voice, honesty and clever original songs are a few of the reasons why audiences look forward to Lowe's performances.” By: MYRNA PETLICKI -Pioneer Press
"Amy Lowe's contemporary style music will remind many adults of songs by artists such as Eva Cassady, Amy Rigby, The Indigo Girls, and Dar Williams." -Lahri Bond Parents' Choice |